An Investigation in Viral Disease of Lanzhou Lily ( Lilium Davidii Var. Unicolor) and Expression, Purification of Coat Protein of LSV and CMV 兰州百合病毒病害调查研究及LSV,CMV衣壳蛋白表达纯化
Analysis of effect of silver nanoparticle aqueous solution on the coat protein of bacteriophage MS2 纳米银溶液作用噬菌体MS2衣壳蛋白的分析
Clone and Sequence Analysis of Coat Protein Gene of Grapevine Leafroll Associated-virus ⅲ from Ningxia 葡萄卷叶伴随病毒Ⅲ宁夏分离物外壳蛋白基因的克隆及序列分析
Identification of Watermelon Mosaic Virus 2 Isolate from Heilongjiang Province and Sequencing of the Coat Protein Gene 西瓜花叶病毒2号黑龙江分离物的鉴定及其外壳蛋白基因序列分析
Detection and identification of four isolates of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus from China and phylogeny of their coat protein gene 四个李属坏死环斑病毒分离物的检测鉴定及CP基因序列分析
Studies on coat protein of Xinjiang watermelon mosaic virus-2 新疆西瓜花叶病毒2号外壳蛋白的研究
The pathogenicity of nervous necrosis virus to Trachinotus ovatus and sequence analysis of the coat protein gene 神经坏死病毒对卵形鲳鲹的致病性及外壳蛋白基因序列分析
Tobacco Mosaic Virus ( TMV) Coat Protein Induce Tobacco Against Plant Virus 烟草花叶病毒外壳蛋白诱导烟草抗病毒作用
The Analysis on the Characteristics of the Coat Protein Genes of Cucumber mosaic Virus Isolated from Echinacea purpurea Moench 黄瓜花叶病毒紫松果菊分离物外壳蛋白特性分析
Coat protein gene sequence analysis and comparison of cucumber mosaic 黄瓜花叶病毒亚组Ⅰ和Ⅱ分离物外壳蛋白基因的序列分析与比较
Viral coat protein gene has become a standard strategy in anti-virus breeding. 其中,利用病毒的外壳蛋白(CP)基因为转基因是较为成熟的抗病毒育种策略。
Coat Protein Gene Sequence Analysis and Identification of a Potato Virus Y Hebei Isolate 马铃薯Y病毒河北分离物外壳蛋白基因序列分析和株系鉴定
The cDNA Synthesis, Molecular Cloning and Nucleotide Sequence of Potato Leafroll Virus Coat Protein Gene 马铃薯卷叶病毒外壳蛋白基因的合成、分子克隆和全序列分析
The protease cleavage sites between the NIa/ NIb and NIb/ coat protein were found to be Q/ C and Q/ S, respectively. NIa/NIb和NIb/CP交界处的蛋白酶切割位点分别为Q/C和Q/S。
The inhibition of plant activator protein on RNA and coat protein of tobacco mosaic virus ( TMV) was studied. 研究了植物激活蛋白对烟草花叶病毒RNA及外壳蛋白的抑制作用。
The phylogenic tree of PLRV isolates was established according to the amino acid sequence of coat protein. 依据PLRV外壳蛋白氨基酸序列建立了PLRV不同分离物的系统进化树。
Studies On Transferring Turnip Mosaic Virus Coat Protein Genes into Chinese Cabbage 大白菜转芜菁花叶病毒外壳蛋白基因的研究
Yeast Expression Vectors ′ Construction of Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus Coat Protein Gene and Movement Protein Gene 大麦黄矮病毒外壳蛋白基因和运动蛋白基因酵母表达载体的构建
The Resistance Mediated by Movement Protein and Coat Protein Gene from Rehmannia Mosaic Virus 地黄花叶病毒(ReMV)移动蛋白(MP)和外壳蛋白(CP)基因介导的抗病性研究
Cloning and Expression of Coat Protein Gene of Watermelon Mosaic Virus 2 in Escherichia coli 西瓜花叶病毒2号外壳蛋白基因克隆及其在大肠杆菌中的表达
Cloning and sequencing of the gene of Pepper mild mottle virus coat protein 辣椒温和斑点病毒PMMV外壳蛋白基因的克隆和序列测定
Cloning and sequencing of coat protein gene for a BYDV PAV Chinese Isolate 大麦黄矮病毒PAV中国分离物外壳蛋白基因的克隆及同源性分析
Accumulations of coat protein and disease specific protein of rice stripe virus in its host 水稻条纹病毒外壳蛋白和病害特异蛋白在寄主体内的积累
Construction of plant expression vector of fusion genes with Banana bunchy top virus replicase and Cucumber mosaic virus coat protein 香蕉束顶病毒复制酶和黄瓜花叶病毒衣壳蛋白融合基因植物表达载体的构建
Effect of Beet black scorch virus Coat Protein on Viral Pathogenicity 甜菜黑色焦枯病毒外壳蛋白与病毒致病性的关系
The introduction of chimeric coat protein gene of tobacco mosaic virus and the regeneration of transgenic tobacco plant 烟草花叶病毒外壳蛋白的基因导入和转化烟株的再生
Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Coat Protein Gene of Sweet Potato Virus G 甘薯G病毒外壳蛋白基因克隆与序列分析
Isolating and sequencing of banana mosaic virus coat protein gene 香蕉花叶病毒外壳蛋白基因的分离测序和比较